Fingerprint Safe – Keep Your Valuables Protected

A fingerprint safe is a good investment for protecting your assets. Its state of the art technology makes sure you're the only one who can gain access to your valuables.

The BioBox is a cutting edge fingerprint safe designed to offer you safe and easy-to-operate secure storage for items like jewelry, handguns and ammunition, deeds, stocks and bonds, insurance papers and other personal items of value.

This box's memory will store up to six sets of fingerprints. Once they are programmed in it will only allow access to the fingerprint safe for persons with fingerprints it recognizes. To get more knowledge about fingerprint system based access control, you can browse the web.

The Electronic Digital Fingerprint Gun Safe is another fingerprint safe that will provide excellent and secure storage for all of those personal treasures you want to protect. While it is specifically designed to safely store away your handguns and ammunition to keep them out of the wrong hand, there is plenty of room in this fingerprint safe for you to store all sorts of other valuables like your jewelry, family papers, stocks, old coins and more.

This safe's electronically controlled fingerprint identity touch pad won't be opened by just anyone. It recognizes your fingerprints. It is a square design with hidden hinges and multi-bar secured, door is virtually tamper-proof. While it is plugged into an external power sources, this fingerprint safe utilizes a battery backup for power outages, making sure your valuables are safe whatever situation arises.

Importance of Fingerprint Information

Fingerprint information has been around since 1901 when it was introduced at Scotland Yard. Everyone has a fingerprint on the tip of their fingers and every persons fingerprint is different. They are different because of the curves and ridges that make up a fingerprint.

In order for someone to get a copy of the fingerprint, the finger is usually rolled in black ink. Once the ink is on the finger tip, the finger is then rolled on really heavy paper in order to leave an impression. In most cases the fingerprint is then scanned into a machine with your name for safe keeping and held in the FBI database. To get more details about fingerprint information, you can visit website online.

Fingerprint information can be used for identifying remains of people if they were involved in a bad tragedy. The information can also be used to help identify missing people or even people with amnesia that are wondering around lost.

Even though no one has the same fingerprints there are only three different types. A person will have either loop patterns, arch patterns or whorl patterns. These classifications help detectives when they are trying to match prints with a name.

There are many businesses in the United States that require a person leave a thumb print on various documents. The prints could be for the armed forces, government employees for receiving clearance into other parts of the building, banks require a thumb print before cashing a check and even some states require the print on the drivers license.