Tips for Getting Ready for Home Inspection


If you’re ready to sell your house, then it is always better to be ready in advance. Getting ready in advance helps you to prevent any problems. The last thing you don’t want to do is to break or damage your house, making it unpleasant for your potential buyer. These tips will help you to sell your house quicker and smoother.

1. Clean – It sounds simple but rarely people clean their house. A clean house is the first impression house inspectors look for. This gives them a brief idea about how hygiene and care you do for your house.

2. Don’t be late – Many times, home inspectors arrive early for an inspection. They start their work from the outside and then make their way in. It is also important to dress well before the inspection begins.

3. Keep those pilot lights on – Most home inspectors do not carry enough insurance for the damage done on pilot lights. Also, selling your house can get delayed as items such as water heater, furnace, or gas stove were not on and not inspected. Make sure those pilot lights are on.

4. Provide clear path to garage and attic – Home inspectors always check the attic and garage of the house. Hence, it is important to clean possible rodent dropping in the attic, and store away valuable items in boxes properly.

If you’re residing in Melbourne, home inspections can be done with no problem as long as you follow these tips. This will help you and the buyer in saving a lot of time.

Why Some Problems Are Overlooked In a House Inspection?


Building inspections are a good way to make sure that a house or a building is in good condition, and will not cause too expensive of a problem in the future. However, there are a lot of cases where an inspection has failed to bring to light a problem. Here is some of the reason a problem might have gone unnoticed.

  • During construction – Building inspections usually take place during the construction of a building, or right before the facade is put up. Hence, cosmetic problems might not have been addressed.
  • After Construction – House inspectors usually do a visual inspection of the building. Problems that are not visual are usually not picked up.
  • Specialty's – An inspector trained in inspecting wiring will not be able to pick up problems with the plumbing
  • Un-registered – In Victoria, a person can become a house inspector the very next day without any experience.  A Licence is not required to become a house inspector. Hence, it is important to hire a licenced and registered inspector with prior experience.
  • Seller – The property owner who is selling the house can hide varies problems in the house from the inspector.
  • Long-term Problems – Problems that take months or years to show its effects might not have been picked up by the inspector who is on site for an hour or so.

It is good to remember that residential building inspections in Melbourne and around the world are conducted by humans, and that people are prone to oversights and mistakes.