Cigars are a classic part of any man’s repertoire, and there is no shortage of great cigars in Florida. Whether you are looking for something mild to smoke during the day or something more robust to enjoy at night with your favorite beverage, we have got you covered.
And if you want to learn more about cigars in Florida and decide which ones would be the best fit for you, take a look at our list of the top cigars in Florida.
There are many different types of cigars and each smoker has their own preference. To help you choose the best cigars for you, we’ve outlined some of the most common types below.
Cuban Guantanamera
This cigar is made in Cuba and is a long, thin cigarillo that is wrapped in aged tobacco. It is a favorite among Cuban cigar smokers because it is mild-tasting and easy to smoke.
Corona Gorda
The Corona Gorda is a larger size of cigar that is popular in the United States. It is a smooth, aromatic smoke with hints of coffee and chocolate.
Puros Indios Maduro
Made in Honduras, this cigar is known for its rich flavor and strong smell. It can be spicy if you like your cigars on the hot side, but most users find it to be enjoyable regardless of their personal taste.