Too many people think that waking up overly tired is just part of living. Truthfully, many sleep apnea sufferers don't even know they have this condition. Get the knowledge that you need to deal with sleep apnea by reading the article that follows.
Avoid unhealthy activities to control your sleep apnea. Two of the most common offenders are drinking and smoking. Drinking affects the respiratory system. Smoking damages all parts of your airways. Dropping these habits can help ease your symptoms.
If your sleep apnea is the result of having narrow breathing passages, a mouth guard can help you out. Narrow airways can be opened, jaws can be properly aligned and nasal passages can be opened up to allow more air into the lungs. Speak with your doctor to learn more, and get yourself fitted for a mouth guard if you think it will help.
Eating healthy can help you manage sleep apnea and lose weight. You'd be surprised at how much a healthy diet can help you with sleep apnea. Good nutrition can help many medical conditions, including sleep apnea.
To get a diagnosis for sleep apnea, your doctor may have you write a sleep log. You will write down how many hours you sleep throughout the night, and any other symptoms you experience. If you have a partner, you can find out about snoring issues, breathing issues or flailing limb issues. This will greatly help your doctor in diagnosing your condition.
Stick to a schedule when it comes to your sleep. Your regular sleeping patterns already suffer due to your condition. Any steps you take to improve your overall sleep habits will help deal with the symptoms of your condition and minimize the impact it has. The first change you should make is setting a specific time to go to sleep and wake up each day.
Bring your medical ID every you travel with your CPAP device. You don't need people questioning you and your device all the time, so it makes it easier when you bring your medical ID. Your ID should include your use of CPAP and the pressure level at which your CPAP must be set.
Losing weight is a simple and proven effective method of decreasing your chances of suffering from sleep apnea. Many people find that they can completely correct sleep apnea by losing excess weight. Simply losing a small amount of weight can open your airways, improving your sleep apnea symptoms.
Weight loss can have a major impact on those with sleep apnea. If a person has a neck circumference of 17 inches or more, they are more likely to develop sleep apnea. Pressure on the neck is reduced with weight loss, making breathing easier while sleeping.
Don't sleep on your back at all if you have sleep apnea. The majority of sleep apnea sufferers sleep on their backs, which makes it easy for their airways to become blocked. Lie on your side and support yourself with pillows to avoid rolling onto your back.
Sleep apnea will not magically disappear patients will need to get it treated. A variety of underlying medical conditions can contribute to sleep apnea. One thing that can help you is losing weight, another is how you position yourself in your sleep. Some other options include CPAP machines or other devices like Good Morning Snore Solution. Some people do prefer surgery over any other types of sleep apnea alleviation methods. Choose the route which best meets your needs since getting treatment can lead to a happier and most restful life.
Stop smoking for relief from sleep apnea. Smoking causes your air ways to enlarge, and it makes sleep apnea much worse. Try to find a program to help you quit smoking. For most people, the toughest part is the first 30 days or so. After that, the nicotine starts to leave your body and the cravings lessen.
A CPAP machine can assist you in sleeping if you do have sleep apnea. You are more likely to enjoy some good sleep, and also stick with therapy, if the air is moist and warm. Many CPAP manufacturers are providing machines with integrated humidifiers, so check with your doctor to see if that is a good option for you.
You aren't always going to be aware of your sleep apnea. You may experience daytime drowsiness, exhaustion, a lack of daytime focus that may signal problems with sleep apnea. Your symptoms may mean sleep apnea even if you don't know you gasp for air every night.
There are throat exercises for sleep apnea sufferers that have been found quite effective. By building up the muscles that surround the airway, such exercises can reduce the likelihood of muscular relaxation and airway constriction during sleep. One way is by pressing your tongue firmly to the top of your mouth, and hold it for several minutes. This exercise can be done 1-2 times per day, every day.
If you suspect that you might have sleep apnea, see your doctor and get a referral for a sleep study. A sleep test will give your doctor the information he needs to diagnose your condition and its severity. After this you'll need to look at treatment options, even for a mild form of sleep apnea.
Don't drink alcohol, particularly right before bed. Alcohol causes the throat muscles to relax too much, making it hard for enough air to get in and flaring up sleep apnea. If you like to drink alcoholic beverages, you just need to remember not to do so right before you go to sleep.
Anyone who has sleep apnea should try to take an afternoon nap to help make up for the loss of sleep they suffer during the night. Sleep deprivation can cause serious health risks and can negatively impact your ability to go about your day-to-day routine. If you can, try taking an afternoon nap to help you get at least some quality sleep time each day.
If you, or a loved one, is suffering from sleep apnea, you should get a doctor's appointment scheduled. You should not be suffering without knowing whether or not you have sleep apnea. Apply what you've learned here, and start living a better life through better sleep.