How Facebook Messenger Bot Works?

Have you heard about the new Facebook Chatbot? It's a new Facebook application that lets users chat with bots or automated virtual assistants. These automated agents are powered by Microsoft Office Assistant, which is a technology that Facebook acquired. You can have an agent that will notify you of certain events, post to your wall, send you different updates, and many more.

These Facebook applications were previously known as "Agent for Facebook". They were developed by Facebook as part of their Connections Platform. Facebook Messenger Bot was launched at the I/O Conference.

The new Messenger Bot has the ability to create a full contact list of contacts in your phone book. It also has the ability to post to your wall. This Facebook Messenger Bot can send you notifications. It can even be used to perform tasks like track who is on your wall or add yourself to a contact list.

There are various things that you can do with Facebook Chatbot. Let's take a look at the features of the Messenger Bot.

Messages – There are two different types of messages. First, there are simple messages. These messages are received via the Messenger application. Second, there are rich messages.

A simple message is simply any one line text. If you receive a simple message, it could be a status update, a reminder, or a question. And when it is a simple message, there is no reply option.

There are three types of long messages that you can receive in Messenger. The first one is known as a status update. Status updates consist of anything from a photograph to a poem.

A second type of long message is known as a note. A note is any kind of text, a paragraph of text, or a series of messages. It's important to remember that all messages sent to Messenger cannot be in notes.

Lastly, a long message can be known as a poem. Poems can be any kind of text. However, the advantage is that you can use the correct syntax like "Hello Friend!"

Bot – The Facebook Messenger Bot works very similarly to an online chatbot. There are a few differences however. In this case, the bot is designed to react to text.

The bot will receive a text message and then respond with the right action or response. For example, if you say "Hit me up in the morning" and then hit the send button, the bot will get the text and then start creating a full contact list. If you are an administrator and you delete a message, the bot will still get the message and it will still create a full contact list. It is because the bot is always listening to the messages.

All these Facebook Messenger Bot features are mainly how the bot works. One of the most recent Facebook Messenger Bot features is the ability to invite people to your Messenger group. The bot gets the invitation and then contacts the person who gave the invitation.

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