Sports Injury Clinic: What You Need To Know

A sports injury is an incident that occurs during a sport, such as a football, ice hockey, or basketball. It can happen when you hit your head, fall down, or get tackled. You can go through to get the best therapy from the clinic.

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Types of sports injuries:

There are many types of sports injuries, and not all can be treated in the same way. Here is a look at some of the most common types:

1. Fractures: Fractures can occur when the bone breaks. The most common type of fracture is a broken bone in the hand or foot. These fractures can happen during exercise or while you're resting. Treatment usually involves putting a cast on the injured area and following instructions from your doctor.

2. Sprains: Sprains are injuries that occur when the ligaments that hold ankle bones together (the syndesmosis) stretch or tear. Sprains often happen when you suddenly twist your ankle, or when you land on it awkwardly from a jump or fall. Treatment typically includes ice and rest, unless there is instability in the ankle joint (in which case surgery may be required).

3. Cramps: Cramps are painful muscle spasms that usually affect the leg muscles near the spine (the posterior thigh muscles). They can occur during any physical activity but are especially common during intense sports such as running, jumping, and swimming. There is no one cure for cramps—you just need to take them easily until they go away on their own.