Many people with back pain, joint pain or muscle pain think that a chiropractor will adjust their misalignments. Further pain relief is up to themselves, or a drug or a liniment. This is not so. Most chiropractors offer physical therapy (also called physiotherapy) which alleviates the suffering from soft tissue inflammation.
Many also offer some nutritional advice, because inflammation is related to nutritional deficiencies. You can find out about centers of physical therapy in New York via
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To relax tense muscles, a chiropractor will administer myofascial release. The myofascia is like a wrap around your soft tissues, from head to toe. It is like a plastic wrap film, and it overlaps. It can hold tension and become sticky.
A chiropractor can also perform manual or mechanical traction. This is a gentle stretching of, for one example, your neck muscles, to relieve neck pain. Your neck can be stretched forward, chin to chest direction. It also can be stretched from side to side to increase your range of motion.
If, say when you are driving, and your neck feels tight when you turn your head to look over your shoulder, you need some stretching of your neck and shoulder area.
If you have no injury or inflammation, you can learn to do this yourself. Learning a couple of stretches from your chiropractor is a good idea. Ultrasound therapy is a deep tissue treatment done with sound waves.