Breast Surgery for People with Breast Cancer

In this article we will look at the different types of breast surgery can be offered if you have breast cancer. But before any surgery takes place the surgeon will talk to you and discuss with you the most appropriate type of surgery for certain cases of breast cancer. Get to know more about ‘breast surgery’ (also called ‘chirurgie seins’ in the French language) via visiting


It should also be remembered that no surgery will take place before you agree to it.

Where breast surgery is related to the type of operation to be performed depending on the size of your breast cancer, whether it has spread to other parts of your body and also personal preferences.

However, if the cancer has been diagnosed then your surgeon will talk to you about the types of operations that you will need. While there may be times when the surgeon cannot make a decision on what type of surgery he is doing because they do not have a definite diagnosis on the type of cancer you have.

Therefore, they may need to perform a small operation to remove some bumps in order to examine it under a microscope before taking the rest out.

Types of breast surgery you may have are as follows:

  1. Mastectomy – Removal of the whole breast.
  2. Lumpectomy or Wide local excision -. Where only the lump is removed from the breast *
  3. Segmentectomy – where this is only part of the breast is removed *.

* It was the second two options are also known as conservative surgery.

This will reduce the risk that patients have their cancer come back as it was expected to kill any remaining cancer cells if there are remaining after surgery has taken place. While in other cases the patients who had a mastectomy may find that they have radiotherapy to the lymph nodes above the collar bone to make sure that all the cancer cells have been removed.